Any software Radiotronics provides will remain the property of the manufacturer and, whilst you are free to use it to configure your radio or device, you will NOT own the software. The "download and administration fee" can range from $0 to $250 and is directly proportional to the size of the files and the number of files available for download. Any fee you pay to us in the process of obtaining software should be regarded as a "download and administration fee", which simply covers the cost of data file storage and the bandwidth used when downloading the software. Software provided by Radiotronics is supplied free of charge.
All new radios include free programming, and they’re guaranteed to work with your existing system. Whether you need expert assistance programming your radios or affordable radio programming software and cables, you’ll find the lowest prices in the industry hereguaranteed.
Software Ownership & Download Disclaimerįor convenience, we offer software for download instead of physical CD delivery. Two Way Direct helps to make programming two-way radios easy.
Entering 'Programming Mode' on the CLS series radios allows you to adjust the following: The frequency assigned to each channel (from a list of 56 available frequencies).
The obsolete operating systems can usually be legally obtained from WinWorld. In this article we're going to step through how to program a Motorola CLS1110 and a Motorola CLS1410 two way radio, but first let's quickly cover what 'programming' means. You can usually run obsolete operating systems inside virtualization software such as VirtualBox virtualization software. DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows 95/98, or Windows XP for example. Some programming software may require an obsolete operating system such as M.S. Please do not contact us asking for help programming your radio. If you choose to program your own radio, we urge that you allow plenty of time to self-learn about your radio and the programming process - it's not always straightforward. Unfortunately, we do not offer technical support for self-programming two-way radios.
Once this is complete, you can download this software from Your Downloadable Products area of our website. This means a member of staff will check eligibility and due-diligence. Before your software is available to download, we will need to authorize your order. Bear in mind that your equipment/software cost to program the radio on your own could cost around $700(?).We do not send or email you the software.
Hell, I've got a PM1500 VHF in my truck, a EX500 VHF portable, EX 600 UHF, and an MTS 2000 VHF portable that I use daily for ham radio activities and for my employment but, I have the resources to program/re-program whenever I want to. I agree that the Motorola rigs are better. 50 watts output, which I RARELY use that much power anyway, and the guys can't tell the difference between the two radios when I'm using the local 2 meter repeater.īefore any of the "Why do people always try to discourage someone from using a commercial radio" or "Maybe we like to use commercial rigs because they have better specs" crowd gets their thongs in a bunch, I'm just trying to enlighten the lad on the expense and headache involved of owning a commercial radio. My Yaesu FT-7800 receives as good as the commercial rig in my truck but the commercial rig has 110 watts output vs. If you have a good antenna system you may not notice the difference in performance when comparing a ham rig and a commercial rig. If you plan on making frequent programming changes you may want to consider an amateur radio product. Our radio shop charges a programming fee of $65 per radio per programming event but your mileage may vary depending on your location. Don't get the cheap aftermarket stuff either because you always get what you pay for. is the easy part finding a LEGAL copy of the software is not so easy. R06.10.04 is the latest), a radio interface box (R.I.B.), and appropriate cables from computer to R.I.B. You will have to have the Customer Programming Software (Professional Radio CPS ver.